Many years ago, God's Spirit convinced and convicted me of the fact that I was my own worst enemy, more of a curse than a blessing to others (including my friends and family), that I couldn't fix myself, and was in real need of someone wiser, more powerful, merciful and good who could do so. Only Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, could get me right with my Creator - atoned, reconciled and (by His blood) forgiven - as well as substantially improve my interactions with others. Ever since the day that I was spiritually born-again to live in Christ and be led by the Spirit to follow Him, it's been an uplifting yet challenging, seldom predictable yet satisfying journey. It's time to share online what my Lord has taught me about Himself, about myself and the human condition more generally, and to engage with those willing and able to be used by His Spirit (including you?) to explore together what it is to be faithful, holy, genuinely devoted and more in tune with the loving purposes and will of our Creator God.
Here's one man's description of what it means to be 'born-again' in the Spirit: