Build your life on a foundation that's rock-solid. 

The full gospel message is "the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes" (Rom 1:16).  We are to believe in Him whom God sent from heaven to be the Light of the world and Rock of our salvation - Jesus of Nazareth (Yeshua), who is the Christ and Son of the living God.
Listen here to podcasts explaining the full gospel message.  Also available (at zero cost to you) is Christian advice from the wisdom of the Bible to help address your situation and spiritual needs.

First, the Bad News (the depravity of the human condition):

From the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul declares that "there is none righteous, not one...for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Rom 5:19). "All" includes both you and me.

From the book of Matthew, Jesus is even more pointed about our inherent sin nature: "Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity" (Matt 23:28).  He was addressing the devout, pious, religious leaders of his time, but also us who are much less pious and devout, and no less iniquitous, since...

  1. Having inherited a sin-nature from Adam, we are all sinners.

  2. Sin separates us from God and damages our relationships.

  3. Sin brings death (a perishing of body, soul and spirit).

  4. We are not reconciled to God (i.e. justified) by our own good intentions or charitable deeds - i.e. we cannot save ourselves.

  5. We can only be reconciled to God and forgiven of our sins by way of an unblemished, divine sacrifice and a merciful, radical change of heart (a spiritual rebirth) not of our own making.

And now, the Good News (God's merciful provision):

  1. God loves us (unconditionally).

  2. God is merciful.  He's provided a way for our sins to be forgiven.

  3. The divine, sinless Son of God was (on the cross of Calvary) punished for your sins and mine.  He's paid the ultimate price.

  4. Because of His divinity, death could not hold Him down. Christ rose again, and then ascended back to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. 

  5. It is by God's grace alone that salvation comes (conditionally) through our faith alone in Christ alone.  We are to believe in Him.

Jesus came from heaven to earth to teach us God's ways, prove His divinity and sacrifice His life for you and me - paying the ultimate price required for not only God's forgiveness but a spiritual 'rebirth' with power over temptation and the assurance of an eternal life with Him.

Be willing this day to turn 180 degrees away from your sinful habits.  Believe and trust in the saving grace of Jesus - the Son of Man, the Christ (anointed Messiah), Redeemer and eternal Son of the living God.

Surrender this day to the saving grace, truth and loving lordship of Him who loves you more than do your parents, even more than you love yourself, and who alone knows how to bring out the best in you. 

If you like what you see on this website, how about sending a link onto others who might also benefit from this full gospel message?
Full Gospel Message
Our Creator is all loving, all powerfulall knowing and sovereignly in control.  God the Father chooses to whom He shows mercy, grants repentancegifts with faithredeems by the blood of the Lamb (His Son Jesus), adopts by the Spirit into His eternal family and sanctifies as born-again Christians - the true church whom He has gracefully chosen to be His Son's dearly Beloved and Bride-to-be.   
It is the work of the holy Spirit (3rd Person of the holy Trinity) to spiritually connect us with God the Father through Jesus Christ.  The Spirit uses the gospel message to make us profoundly aware (convicted) of three stark realities:
1) the seriousness, persistence and depravity of our sins (including the sin of unbelief);
2) the righteousness and divinity of Jesus Christ; and
3) the judgment to come. 
Are you growing contrite in heart due to the nature of your sins?  That is the work of the holy Spirit who, as He convicts us of our sins, ploughs the heart - breaking up its soil to make it ready to receive the seed of the gospel, which draws us near to the Saviour for deliverance from the destructive power and eternal consequences of our sins.  This divine grace normally involves a breaking away of our trust in worldly securities, for "whomever falls upon this Stone (Christ) will be broken, but on whomever He falls will be ground to powder" (Matthew 21:24).
Respond to any brokenness in your life with repentance towards God and faith towards Jesus Christ.  It is by accepting His lordship and free gift of salvation that we are adopted sealed by the Spirit, assured of the Father's promise of eternal life and secured in Christ...forever.
Or do you not know that you're a sinner and that there are serious, inevitable consequences for your sins?  Be honest now, how many of these commandments of God have you breached?
  • 10th Commandment

    Have you coveted anything that is your neighbour's?

  • 9th Commandment

    Have you ever borne false witness against your neighbour?

  • 8th Commandment

    Have you ever stolen...anything?

  • 7th Commandment

    Have you ever committed adultery (including lusting in your heart for someone who's married, or as someone who's already married)?

  • 6th Commandment

    Have you ever murdered (including wishing in your heart that someone was dead)?

  • 5th Commandment

    Have you ever dishonoured your father or mother?

  • 4th Commandment

    Have you ever not rested on one day each week, observing the Sabbath to keep it holy?

  • 3rd Commandment

    Have you ever misused the name of the living God (Father, Spirit or Jesus Christ)?

  • 2nd Commandment

    Have you ever made for yourself a carved image or the likeness of anything in heaven?

  • 1st Commandment

    "You shall have no other gods before Me, saith the Lord."  Have you ever lifted up your heart to an idol (i.e. another god)?

  • Have you ever yielded to any of the following temptations?

    envy, deceit, malice, insolence, haughtiness, boastfulness, heartlessness, being quick to anger, ruthlessness, godlessness or selfishness? 

  • ...or been guilty of the following?

    gossip, dishonesty, lack of faith, slander, conceit, pride, impurity, the love of money, fornication, hate, rebellion towards parents, idolatry or unforgiveness?

What exactly is it that we need God's appointed Saviour to save us from?

The full gospel message first explains our need for salvation - from not only the deception and oppression of the spirit of antichrist growing rampant in this world (as our God-given freedoms are eroded, anti-Semitism surges, Christian persecution increases and the prophesied, despotic, one-world government gets rapidly established) but also from the curse of sin, its ongoing damage to our relationships in this life and an eventual separation from our Creator in the afterlife...for all souls who've not yet come to believe in the One whom God sent to be the Light of the world and to atone for our sins. 

Jesus is the good news component of the gospel message.  God is not only holy and just, but the merciful Justifier of those who put their faith in Him.

There are many good reasons to exercise your faith in seeking God and believing in Jesus (Yeshua) as the Way, the Truth and abundant Life that our Creator has made available to us.  Email us a request for a free pdf copy of the book 'Saved from what? - the bad news that comes before the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ'.  Otherwise, simply listen to some of its chapter-by-chapter MP3 files listed below: 


Chapter One

First the Bad News - the state of our human condition without Christ, and need for salvation.

Chapter Two (a)

The Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - as to who He is, what He has done for us, and why.

Chapter Two (b)

The kingdom of God, our sanctification, the coming rapture of believers and a sinner's prayer.

Chapter Three

End-time Bible prophecy.

Chapter Four (a)

This present age and the spirit of antichrist: - the wickedly deceptive Covid plandemic.

Chapter Four (b)

This present age and the spirit of antichrist: - the globalist Cabal's despotic, enslaving agendas.

Chapter Five 

The Sovereignty of God.

Chapter Six

Our Duty to Expose, to Prepare and to Act in Faith, Hope and Love.

Chapter Seven

The Two Beasts, Mark of the Beast, Period of Tribulation and 2nd Coming of Christ.

[Under Construction]

End-time events during period of Tribulation

Call to action

If you sense that God is getting your attention, but have yet to respond by faith, and would like to do so…then recite out loud the sinner’s prayer:

Preparation (first prepare your body, mind and soul)

Pray on bended knee, with hands raised or simply bow your head – you choose.  Either way, be humble, reverent and respectful this day as you spiritually approach your Creator, that the mighty holy Spirit might draw you close to the Father as you genuinely choose to believe in His Son. 

The A, B, C of the sinner’s prayer is really quite simple – simple, but if it’s from the heart, very effective.  It will have you:

  • Admit that like the rest of us you’re a sinner, and genuinely sorry for your sins;

  • Believe in Jesus for who He is (both the Son of Man and Son of God), for what He has done for you (died on the cross to atone for your sins and pay the price) and why (so that you need not perish but be forgiven, granted eternal life and become more faithful, righteous and loving like Him); and

  • Commit to following Him as a born-again Christian under His Lordship, and no one else’s.

First mull over this prayer before saying it out loud like you mean it.  Don’t speak aloud anything that you don’t mean.  If need be, wait until (God willing) you truly can and do mean it:

The Sinner's Prayer

Dear God,

  • I acknowledge that you are our Creator...and that we have all been created in your image.

  • Yet because of what happened back in the garden of Eden, we’ve inherited from Adam a sin-nature that really does cause trouble.  

  • I admit that I'm a sinner.  I'm deeply sorry for my sins [name a few] and really do need your forgiveness.

  • I acknowledge the righteousness of Christ Jesus (Yeshua) who is both the perfect Man (without sin) and Son of the living God.

  • I believe that in my place on the cross, Jesus died for my sins...took my shame...and paid the price to set me free from the curse of sin and eternal death.

  • I believe that because Jesus is the Son of God without sin, death could not hold Him down – Christ is risen!

  • I commit this day to following Jesus under His lordship, learning from the holy Bible and being guided by the holy Spirit – that I might walk by faith...with a hope well grounded...and with a love in my heart for my Creator and others around ways that are grateful and pleasing to my God and Saviour. 

Thank you, Father.  Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you, holy Spirit.  Thank you, Lord!”

Now What?

The Bible tells us that if you genuinely prayed that prayer – acknowledging that the risen Christ is indeed your Lord – then you are forgiven your sins and born-again into the eternal family of God.  For it is written (and true) that “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom 10:9).  That being the case, you are now a member of the Body of believers, and a follower of Jesus – His true church.  Welcome.  To God be the glory.

As born-again Christians, we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s Son with the blessed assurance that all three divine Persons are faithful and true, in all ways sovereign, supremely good and forever trustworthy.  Only they can bring out the best in us, which they will do...if and when we live in faithful obedience to the Father, Spirit and Son.  The keys to successful living are not social status, popularity within our peer group, material acquisition or even good health...but faith, hope and love...with the greatest of these being a love rooted in, and vitalized by, God’s love – the greatest force in the universe – as demonstrated to us through the person and character of Jesus Christ in that whilst we were lost sinners, Christ died for us. 

We are now no longer lost, but found - favoured by God to be chosen, adopted, reconciled and forgiven - reckoned righteous and fully justified by the blood of the Lamb - granted eternal life and called to be sanctified (set apart from the corruption of this world) so that with thankfulness in our hearts as we make our requests known to God through prayer we might be led by the Spirit to patiently and faithfully trust in God's provision and guidance. 

It's by our worship and reading of the holy Bible that we renew our minds so as to be conformed not to the pattern of this world but to the image and holy character of our Role Model and Perfect Man, Christ Jesus - our Lord & Saviour - so that over the remaining days (and finite number of breaths) that we have left on planet Earth, we might enjoy God's kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy...bear fruits worthy of repentance (Matt 3:8) and so be effective in our Christian witness which blesses others and brings Him glory. 

God's love has been declared to us by way of the greatest message in the universe: the full gospel message of Jesus Christ.  Now share it far and wide, beloved - in faith, hope and love - for the sake of others, and for the good pleasure of Him who loves us with a love that's undeserved yet undeniable, irresistible and never-ending.

Blessings 2 ya'.

"Gracious is the Lord and righteous; yes, our God is merciful.
The Lord preserves the simple: I was brought low and He saved me. 
Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you" (Psalm 116:5-7).

The following track is included with all credit to Newsboys (2013)
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:3-4).

Here's the Broader Context and Picture of What Lies Ahead

Christ's Kingdom Reign

Suggested Prayer of Gratitude and Devotion

I pray to You, Almighty God, our Creator - three divine Persons in a Godhead with a single divine substance:  God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit.  The Lord our God is One, yet three Persons in One.

Thank you, O' Lord, for your precious gospel message, for choosing to draw me by Your great love, and for granting me knowledge of the depravity, deceitfulness and seriousness of my sins that I might repent of them.  Thank you for the gift of faith to believe in Jesus for who He is, for what He has done and why.  Thank you for mercifully choosing to adopt me into your family as a spiritually born-again Christian and redeemed child of God - forgiven, reconciled and sealed with the promise of eternal life.  I'm chosen by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and now guided & empowered in this world by the Spirit.  Hallelujah!

Teach me Your ways, I pray, so that I can learn to trust, obey and enjoy Your fresh involvement in my life - in this my new spiritual walk with my Creator and living God…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. 

Thank you, Lord – amen (let it be).

Suggested Prayer for Help to Overcome

I direct this prayer to God the Father, in the name of Jesus.  As Your adopted child, O' Lord, I sure do need Your help to overcome the temptations of this world, the scheming work of the devil and the negative outworking of an inherited sin nature upon my character and upon my relationships with people at home, at work and elsewhere.

I believe that it’s Your will I grow in humility and grace, and willingly trust in Christ by submitting to His loving authority and teaching.  I ask that by the Spirit you would teach me the wisdom required to be sanctified (set apart) from the corruption that is in this world through lust, the love of money and the pride of life - that I might be an over-comer, Your faithful servant and light into the darkness - speaking the truth in love for Your Name's sake.

I commit to getting baptised, reading the Bible, praying and assembling with other believers to fellowship, and to worship and honor You - that we might improve our relationships both vertically & horizontally, better understand your ways and grow to be more holy like Jesus for not only our own sake, but for the sake of others and to Your glory.

Thank you, Lord – let it be, I pray.

About us:

Bible Teacher and Christian Counsellor

Bible Scholar and Trained Educator:


Many years ago, God's Spirit convinced and convicted me of the fact that I was my own worst enemy, more of a curse than a blessing to others (including my friends and family), that I couldn't fix myself, and was in real need of someone wiser, more powerful, merciful and good who could do so.  Only Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, could get me right with my Creator - atoned, reconciled and (by His blood) forgiven - as well as substantially improve my interactions with others.  Ever since the day that I was spiritually born-again to live in Christ and be led by the Spirit to follow Him, it's been an uplifting yet challenging, seldom predictable yet satisfying journey.  It's time to share online what my Lord has taught me about Himself, about myself and the human condition more generally, and to engage with those willing and able to be used by His Spirit (including you?) to explore together what it is to be faithful, holy, genuinely devoted and more in tune with the loving purposes and will of our Creator God. 

Here's one man's description of what it means to be 'born-again' in the Spirit: 

Bible Scholar and Trained Educator:


I was raised in a Christian home and encouraged by my Dutch parents to study from an early age the holy Bible, to fellowship with other Christians and to grow in faith, hope and love.  My faith is in my Lord Jesus Christ; my hope is based on nothing less than His blood and righteousness; and my love for God and for my neighbour is made easy by His great love for us, as evidenced by Christ being sent to teach us the ways of God, and to pay the price for our sins by sacrificing His own precious life that we might be forgiven and set free from the curse of sin and an eternal perishing of the soul (the 2nd death).  When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, He sent me His Spirit to lead and guide me into truth and into God's greater purposes for my life. 

Bible Teacher


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