
Dec' 2024

Complete this Quiz on the celebrated birth of Jesus
  1. Jesus was born in which town?

  2. Where was it prophesied in the Old Testament as to where Jesus was to be born?

  3. In which season (Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall or Winter) was Jesus most likely born?

  4. How many Magi 'wise men' were likely to have travelled from the East to see baby Jesus?

  5. What does the term 'incarnation' mean?

  6. Fill in the blanks: Jesus who is the Christ (our Messiah) is both the Son of ___ and the Son of ___"

  7. Is it true that your best friend was born in a manger?

[Answers are at the bottom of this page].

Male and Female He created them…equal but not the same.

12 July 2024

[Warning: The following statements are Bible-based and therefore increasingly counter-culture.  The extent to which they clash with the reader's own worldview will depend upon to what extent he or she has been (mis)led by the powers and principalities controlling this world to subscribe to alternative worldviews, be they rooted in feminism, trans-ideology, spiritism, freemasonry, Darwinian evolution, humanism, or any other 'ism that runs contrary to the wisdom of God revealed from the heart of the Father through the holy scriptures, the Person of His Son - Jesus Christ (Yeshua) - and the mighty holy Spirit.  Be discerning, my friend - if nothing else, this is food for thought on a topic of importance.]
  1. Men and women are 'wired' differently with design features (and idiosyncrasies) that the opposite sex can easily, and often, misunderstand. 

  2. The success of a marriage depends largely on recognising each other’s inherent differences, understanding them as best we can, and not only accommodating them but enjoying them – differences that stem right back to how our original ancestors, Adam and Eve, were created.  Adam was formed from the dust of the earth, from clay, with a soul breathed into his body by God.  He was created in the image of God as a triune being (body, soul and spirit).  Eve was formed also as a triune being, but from the rib-bone of Adam – from under his arm for protection and close to his heart to love…which is where a woman must remain if she is to feel content and secure in her husband’s love.

  3. All humans have been created with intellect, emotions, spiritual sensibilities and a capacity for choice (that we often call ‘free will’). A man’s soul is grounded in his intellect (his seat of logic and reason) whereas a woman’s soul is grounded in her heart-felt emotions (her feelings). Whereas a man tends to be focused on facts, a woman tends to be focused on how she feels, and how others might feel.   

  4. Husband and wife are like two jigsaw pieces shaped differently by God to join one another in our walk of faith, hand-in-hand in holy matrimony through life’s puzzles with all its challenges and blessings. Feelings and facts are both important: in a relationship, any woman who ignores the facts presented, or any man who ignores or downplays his woman’s feelings is simply asking for trouble.  Be aware however that a woman will not care how many facts you know…until she knows how much you care…about her feelings. She needs to be loved and 'feel' loved – frequently reminded of that love, and often assured by her man that he is lovingly acting in her best interests.  

  5. 1 Cor 11:7 –“Man is the image and reflection of God; but woman is the reflection of man”: a) The happiness of a woman secure in her husband’s love reflects well on her husband. An unhappy wife makes for a rotten marriage and unhappy life; b)  A woman needs to feel loved and valued by her man (e.g. when she is having a bad-hair day, social media issues or an ugly mood), especially then!  He’s to be her spiritual covering and devoted husband; c)  A man needs his woman's trust and respect (especially when he has lost trust and respect from the world).  She’s to be his emotional covering and loyal wife; d)  Women fear abuse, neglect and abandonment; whereas men tend to fear emotional attacks, public disrespect and a loss of loyalty and trust from those he loves.

  6. Eph 5:25 – “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”: a)  A sign that a man is truly loving his wife and treating his family well – the success of his marriage and family life – is reflected in the demeanor and happiness of his wife. Does she sense his self-sacrificial love (as Christ loves the church) to her and her children?  Is he frequently reminding her and them of his love with gifts that hit the spot? Such is a woman's basic need to feel loved, that if her husband fails in this duty, she is tempted to look elsewhere for that love, in the wrong places - we men must overtly love our wife; b) Marriage is not a partnership but a merger:  when she hurts, he hurts; when she’s feeling happy, he’s happy; and when he’s successful in the world, she feels successful; c) A woman has a three-fold duty to her family – nurturer, emotional coverer and homemaker; d) Man has a three-fold duty to his family – servant-king (provider & protector), prophet (representing God to the family) and priest (representing the family to God); e) Man is the head of the house; whereas the woman is the heart of the home.

  7. Eph 5:24 – “Just as the church is subject to Christ, so also wives ought to be, in everything, to their husbands”: a) A wife is to come under her husband's servant-king headship and authority, saying 'yes' to the man who loves her. This is made easier, of course, when the husband is doing his job. Getting into, and restoring, right relationship in marriage normally begins with the husband’s initiative and leadership. Women hunt for, and hook, a husband, but it’s men who pop the question. Likewise in disputes, men must be strong but also smart - thinking strategically in the protection of that which is precious - their God-given marriage and family.  A man should never go on both knees before a woman, but must get on one knee (to propose) and then again throughout his marriage to put things aright.  The way back at first down.  He must exercise humility, masculinity and manhood - willing to say "sorry, honey - most of that was my fault - and I do love you", quick to put his part right, which makes it easier for his wife (as she again feels loved and safe) to soften and, with renewed trust and respect for him, respond by drawing near again in right relationship to her husband; b) The wife is the neck that not only supports the head, but points him this way and that, with her wise counsel and attention to what’s on the peripheral. A wise man will seek (not merely 'accept' but 'seek') the counsel of his wife in all important matters, before taking (with broad shoulders) prime responsibility for what’s jointly agreed; c) A two-headed marriage makes for a two-headed monster - trying to fit both husband and wife into the one pair of marriage pants will split it at the seams; d) And it's a stark reality that a mother’s maternal instincts will always grant her children's needs priority over the needs and wants of her husband.  Get used to it, chaps - it's instinctual, very powerful (such is a mother's love for her offspring) and something that any strictly rational mind might find difficult to understand, troubling (as a ‘bias’, 'double standard’ and ‘unfair’) and impossible to rationalize.  A mother is wired with an emotional bias in favour of her children – battle that if you must, men, but you do so at your peril.

  8. Eph 5:21 – “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ”: a) As brother and sister in the Lord (fellow members of the Body of Christ), we are to “submit to one another”, yet in holy matrimony the man must not be delinquent (as Adam was when not intervening in the serpent’s wicked deception of Eve) but willing to take charge when need be – as the head, with his wife willing and able to submit to his loving headship, under his protective covering and protection, as he submits to the Headship of Christ;  b) Weak, unfaithful, unloving, self-doubting men make for unhappy women. Contentious, overly-anxious, untrusting, disrespectful women make for unhappy men;  c) A happy marriage will be grounded in the purposes of God, functioning in the comfort, wisdom and guidance of the holy Spirit, whereby 1 + 1 = 3.  Our Creator knows us better than we know ourselves - for Him to bring out the best in our marriage, we must acknowledge, depend and trust in Him.  Both spouses individually and together must seek God through the One sent from heaven to be the Light of the world - Jesus Christ, Son of the living God.  The holy Bible's account of Jesus shows us the Way, reveals to us important Truths and brings the Life-edifying power of God's love into our relationships and the fellowship of marriage; d) We are to resist pride, the temptation to rely on our own flaky wisdom & strength and resist the corruption that is in this world through lust.  It's through Jesus (the perfect Man and perfect Image of the invisible God) and His saving grace and truth that we enter into an edifying relationship with our Creator - a vertical relationship that improves all horizontal relationships, the most important of which is our marriage.

Here's a scriptural depiction of the places where departed souls go after physical death.  Send me your comments on it (via the 'Contact' block at the bottom of the home page).

9 April 2024

Our Role as Fathers

26 Mar 2024

Our Father God is paternal, and it is by participating in the Father’s paternity, in-Christ, that we learn to become good fathers – modelling our fatherhood (our ‘paternity’) on the distinct relation that the Father has with His Son.  We believers can enjoy the perfect fatherhood of God in spiritual relationship with Him by participating in the sonship of the Son.

And so, our first obligation as fathers is to know God and to faithfully obey and please Him (under the Lordship of Jesus Christ).

Our second obligation is to make God known to our family, which we do in three-part ministry:

  1. As ‘prophet’, representing God to our family.  Take what is of God (His Word and His Wisdom) and make it known [1] – that your family might come to know, through you, God’s truth, righteousness, justice and love

  2. As ‘priest’, representing our family to God.  Humbly and regularly lift up your wife and children to God in intercessory prayer [2]

  3. As ‘king’, governing our family on behalf of God.  With the heart of a servant-king, bring into your family something of the godly governance and headship [3] of our Benevolent Ruler and King in heaven – ruling with justice and mercy [4] as you establish for them a covering of righteousness, protection, peace [5] and providence.

In Conclusion…

The Spirit brings “Life”, with Jesus being the “Way” to the Father who is our Destination. The mission of the Son and Spirit is to lead us to the Father, the personal conclusion of our journey.

The fatherhood of God is therefore both the Source and End of life’s course.  Everything comes from the Father and returns to the Father.

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” [6] Lead your family in this – mindful of the goodness and blessings of a fatherhood, sonship and Spirit-led devotion rooted in the purposes and glory of God – a trinitarian God.


[1] “You shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul…You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deut 11:18-19)

[2] Along the lines of Job, who interceded for his children daily (Job 1:5).

[3] “The husband is the head of his wife [as] God [the Father] is the head of Christ” (1 Cor 11:3); a father must “manage his own household well, keeping his children submissive and respectful in every way” (1 Tim4:4)

[4] Micah 6:8

[5] We are, for example, not to provoke our children, lest they become discouraged (Col 3:21)

[6] Matt 6:9

The Hebrew Patriarchs and their Examples of Fatherhood

26 Mar 2024

God chose Abraham to be the ‘father of our faith’ [1]. “I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” [2]  God’s promises to (and through!) Abraham were dependent on his willingness and ability to have his household keep “the way of the Lord”.  It was Abraham’s character and conduct in the home that commended him to God. 

Joshua also commanded his household in a patriarchal, God-honouring way: “Choose this day whom you will serve [said Joshua] …but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” [3]

“Lest they go into captivity”, [4] all children need their father’s faithful, instructive, loving discipline and protective covering.  And so to the feminists amongst us [5], patriarchy is not at all ‘toxic’ when, like with Abraham and Joshua, it’s faithfully centred in the fatherhood of God.

God considers the relationship between fathers and their children to be so important that He promises [6] to send [7] the prophet Elijah…[to] “turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.” [8]


[1] Rom 4:16-17

[2] Gen 18:19

[3] Josh 24:15

[4] Deut 28:41

[5] Many of whom have had poor earthly fathers.

[6] in the last few words of the OT

[7] “…before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord”

[8] Mal 4:5-6 (NKJV)

The Holy Trinity (Part 4)

25 Mar 2024

All Three divine Persons share a common eternal essence (a divine substance) but have uncommon relations of origin:
  • The Father has no origin.  He is neither generated nor begotten – He is unbegotten.

  • The Son is, by the Father’s nature, generated of Him – He is begotten of the Father.

  • The Spirit has, by the same nature, proceeded from the Father and the Son.

There would be no Son without the Father, but likewise, no Father without the Son.  The Son existed whensoever the Father existed; likewise, the Spirit. The Three are in essence co-equal and co-eternal, of one transcendent substance or essence, yet individually and relationally distinct.  Each of the Divine Three are personalised and distinguished by way of their unique, subsisting relations – both with each other inside the Trinity and also with us.

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit.  Conversely, we are to pray to the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit…involving all three Persons in our worship and devotions to the One true God.

The Holy Trinity (Part 3)

25 Mar 2024

God the Father

By eternal generation, the Father communicates to the Son:

a)      knowledge and understanding.  The Word is ‘the doctrine of the Father’ in Person.  The Father and Son, in the same divine life, know and understand each other in ‘mutual comprehension’;

b)      His entire Being (the fulness of His power, will, and goodness, etc);

c)      A power of action – the Father achieves what He does in common action through the Son; and

d)      His love – the Father takes absolute delight in His Son because He is His Father.

That which distinguishes the Father is His ‘Fatherhood’: first towards His Son, then (derived from that) towards all creation including humanity (rational creatures made in God’s image) and more specifically His children (through adoption).

For all humanity, fatherhood is the source of our personal identity:  The Greek word translated ‘family’ is ‘patria’, formed directly from ‘pater’ (Greek for ‘father’).  It’s from our Father above “that the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Eph 3:14-15), and it’s God’s will, here on earth, that a person is traditionally and primarily named and identified as son – or daughter – of a certain man.[1]

For all believers, “no one can snatch us out of the Father’s hand” (John 10:29).  Our hope is rooted in not only the righteousness and blood of Christ, but in the adoption and fatherhood of God.  We are drawn, by His calling, into His presence through adoption, salvation and sanctification (Rom 8:14-16).  Our adoption is authored by the Father, modelled by the Son, and engraved into our hearts by the Spirit of God.


[1] Not only in the Holy Bible do we see this done.  In many modern cultures, the term ‘son’ is part of a surname – e.g., Jacobson, Williamson, Watson…i.e., the ‘son of’.

The Holy Trinity (Part 2)

25 Mar 2024

God the Spirit [1]

We read in Lev 22:32 that “I am the Lord who sanctifies you”. We later read in 1 Cor 6:11 that “You are washed, you are sanctified through the name of Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” Since we are sanctified by the holy Spirit, the holy Spirit is God.  And in 2 Thess 2:13, we read that “God has chosen you from the beginning to be saved by the Spirit which sanctifies and by faith in the truth”.  The holy Spirit is God.  He is also the holy Trinity’s communion of mutual love between the Father and the Son, and a love Gift promised to those who believe in the Son and are thereby adopted by the Spirit into the family of God. 


[1] a.k.a. the ‘holy Spirit’ or ‘holy Ghost’ or the ‘Spirit of Christ’ or ‘Spirit of God’ or simply ‘Spirit’

The Holy Trinity (Part 1)

25 Mar 2024

Church tradition names three – Father, Son and holy Spirit – as the divine persons of a holy Trinity.  The God in whom we believe is One [1] and yet Three in One – an interpersonal God.

God the Son

God the Son (a.k.a. Son of God) is the Word and perfect image of the invisible God.  When talking to Philip, Jesus said [2] “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father…I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:9-10).  Jesus also declared “The Father and I are one” – a declaration of unity – not merely of mutual affection, but of unity, a unity of essence.

When Jesus gave Himself the most significant divine name “I AM”, it recalled what God said to Moses: “I AM WHO I AM.” In doing so, Jesus expressed His co-equality, eternity and divinity. The Son of God is (existentially) the great ‘I AM’ – eternally begotten of the essence of the Father.

Jesus also said, however, that “The Father is greater than I” (John 14:28) and that “heaven and earth will pass away…[and] about that day and hour no one knows…but only the Father” (Matt 24:35-36).  Jesus is the incarnate Word (fully God) but also the Son of Man (fully man) and at his incarnation He emptied himself (temporarily) of much of his glory so as to be “born in human likeness” (Phil 2:7-8).  It was Jesus in His humanity (as Son of Man) who said that “The Father is greater than I” and Jesus in his divinity (as Son of God) who said that “The Father and I are one”.  Both are true.

[1] Deut 6:4.

Are Excess Deaths an Issue?

18 Jan 2024

"Grandpa (or 'grandma') - where were you during the lockdowns and subsequent rollout of Government-endorsed, Corporate media-promoted, 'warp-speed' mRNA 'vaccination' programmes, and did you ever question them...or resist?"

I'm no anti-vaxxer, but I am vaccine-aware.  I know a true vaccine when I see one, and these mRNA inoculations are not true vaccines, but 'vaccines' in name only.  They don't prevent SARS-Cov-2 infection or transmission or hospitalization, or even death.  They have shown to reduce Covid symptoms (some of them) but even that benefit is short-lived before adverse effects kick in.

mRNA-based inoculations are more akin to protein-based, biological hacking in that fatty lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are used to transport a syn-bio-tech-produced instruction (messenger RNA) throughout the body to the heart, kidneys, liver, ovaries, and even across the blood/brain barrier (as a bioweapon would do) to force our cells' ribosomes to produce highly toxic spike proteins (continually).  Intrusive nanotech and DNA contaminants are also involved.  This is all well researched and documented, and yet people are still being nudged by the powers and principalities ruling this world to get on (and stay on) Big Pharma's mRNA booster treadmill.  Why is that, do you think?  Some sections of my book explain it well enough (go to the home page if you're interested).

Excess deaths are being reported worldwide, correlated to the prevalent use of these mRNA injections.  Correlation does not necessarily imply causation ...but it does scream loud and clear "Investigate this!"  It is unloving and cruel not to do so, especially to those left in the dark as to what's killing their loved ones - both young and old.

Yesterday's U.K. Parliamentary debate on excess deaths was long overdue...and we do hope that it informs the British Government's present investigation into its Covid response, albeit in a limited way given that their 'safety & efficacy' module has now been sidelined (go figure).   Our own N.Z. Government's inquiry into its predecessor's Covid response can also benefit from the science and other knowledge presented in this debate, so that the truth might finally prevail (by the grace of God, it usually does...eventually) and set the masses free from the deception, bondage and resultant damage to their physical, mental and spiritual health.

Excess deaths are the deadly aftermath of what has been a diabolically well crafted PsyOp (wicked deception) to which we've all been subjected these past four years.  After watching some of the above, email me your views on it.

Reading the holy Bible also helps us, of course, to discern the evil undercurrent and how we're being triggered and played.  Thank God for the holy Spirit (!) to teach and guide us throughout any wicked deception, including what's about to come our way this year.  Amen?

Three days into the New Year - what's our best hope for 2024?

3 January, 2024

Greetings to you on this 3rd day of what promises to be an eventful year - we live in challenging but interesting times, yes?  Given what we've witnessed these past few years, what logical, well-grounded hope might we have for the future? 

There is a spirit of antichrist, now more emboldened and prevalent than before, that will ramp up its use of Psy-Ops to deceive us and distract us from the Way, Truth and Life promised to those who believe in Him whom God lovingly sent into this world a little over 2000 years ago.  We must not be distracted by wars, pestilence, food-shortages and the like...distracted from that which matters most - the salvation, sanctification and edification of the human soul.

It's not so much that we have a soul - we are a soul (what we 'have' is a physical body housing that most precious part of our triune being - the spiritual soul that one day must face our Maker to give an account for what we have done in the body here on Earth).  There's only One Way that we can live in this world, and face God in the next, without guilt and shame - by believing and trusting in Him whose blood alone can wash away our sins, by whose atoning sacrifice we are forgiven and set free from the curse of sin (e.g. unbelief) and spiritual bondage in this world, and from the curse of a 2nd death in the next (an eternal perishing).  My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, and it is my belief that it is only those who are set free by the Spirit of Christ who are free indeed. The name 'Jesus' in Hebrew is 'Yeshua', which apparently is what His family and friends called him).

My new year's prediction (for what it's worth to you) is that the powers and principalities controlling this world under the sway of the evil one will ramp up their efforts to establish a one-world government under the eventual control of a (yet-to-be-revealed) antichrist ruler and false prophet (read Revelation Ch 13) which they (in the folly of their pride) believe can prevent (or at least forestall) the 2nd coming of the Son of God (the actual Christ - our Messiah & Anointed One).  

This Satanic ploy will include several well crafted, wicked deceptions, not least of all the growing PsyOp to turn our hearts and minds against the Jewish State of Israel, clearing it "from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea".  The State of Israel was established in 1948 as prophesied by many scriptures (Ezek: 27:31, 37:11, Jer 16:15-16, Is: 66:8, Zech 12:2-3, Matt: 24:32-35, etc). Bible prophecy also has the Son of God (Satan's arch-enemy) returning to the Mount of Olives at a time when the State of Israel exists (see Zech 14:1-5).  Satan (in his folly) believes that by cutting down God's fig tree (Israel) he can prevent the 2nd coming of Christ and his downfall - he cannot, but that doesn't stop him from trying...and from deceiving many people in the process.  We are being played - in a well crafted 'divide and rule' game of spiritual warfare that has at stake not only our hearts and minds, but our eternal souls. 

Whilst it's true that in the early hours of 7th Oct, the I.D.F. were for over 7 hours commanded to step down and not resist the Hamas invasion (I'm not a huge fan of Netanyahu - a career politician who would murder Israeli civilians to save his own political career), God allowed that event to happen so as to further expose the evil atrocities, unrighteousness and errors in the basic tenets of Islam - not only its anti-Semitism (which is extreme) but also its opposition to anything that honours the person, character and righteousness of Jesus Christ (as evidenced by recent Jihadi attacks on hundreds of Nigerians and others celebrating Christmas).  Also under the sway of the devil are corporate media, liberal politicians, influential academics, student groups and others who have downplayed these atrocities...or worse, sought to defend the perpetrators and their collaborators by 'justifying' these crimes, or at least 'morally' accepting them as the 'unfortunate' but 'understandable' reaction to political 'crimes' earlier committed by some established authority.  Have you noticed that it's a common trait of libtards to side with the underdog no matter what?

Above the trees, from a helicopter viewpoint, we are being played by very smart 4th dimensional chess players with an almost unlimited amount of world's resources at their disposal and under their control - including Corporate Media, Big Finance (Central Banks), Big IT, Big Agriculture, 'elected' liberal Governments, unelected G3Ps, Health'care' orgs and Military/Industrial complexes.   But we have at our disposal our faith, hope and a love for the truth and for others.  There is nothing more powerful than God's love for us.  Also powerful is our faith and corresponding love for Him and love for our neighbours - our fellow men, women and children whose best interests we must defend with every fiber of our being.  It's our faith, hope and God-pleasing, genuine love for Him and for others which will cover and conquer a multitude of sins...our own, but also the sins of others deceived and abused by the demonic forces at work in this present darkness.  If and when others reject our message (no matter how truthful and well motivated), we are to respond in faith, hope and love, and battle on regardless.

We are to be that little light that shines.  Rather than curse the darkness, it's better to hold up a candle.  And the greater the darkness, the smaller the candle it takes to draw attention and make a difference - bringing some of God's light into the situation in which we find ourselves.  Get ready for battle this year, my friend, remembering that 'the battle belongs to the Lord', but that He chooses to use us as instruments of His righteousness and blessing into this fallen world...until such a time that Jesus returns to gather up His church of true believers ahead of the prophesied 7-year period of tribulation and despotic rule of those two great pretenders - the coming antichrist and his partner in crime - the false prophet.  

Until that day, are you willing and able to put your faith, hope and trust in your best Friend - in Him who alone is forever faithful and worthy of our trust?  Our best Friend was indeed born in a manger.  Jesus Christ - our perfect role model and perfect human who is also perfectly divine.  Death could not hold Him down - Christ indeed is risen - and we can do no better than to sincerely believe in Him, trust in Him and draw from His Spirit divine wisdom, guidance & strength - especially (but not only) throughout the perilous days ahead of us in this 2,024th year of our Lord. 

Take a look at these two videos, which also talk to what's crouching at our door, ready to deceive and destroy:

And get involved in this Great Awakening - share the good news with others that they too might get to know Jesus more personally (as the Way, Truth and Life), walk in His Way, love the Truth and so live a more satisfying & abundant Life in Christ.  We are now living in the end-times, with our redemption drawing near...and so time is growing short to make a difference - for not only our own good, but for the good of others and to the glory of our Creator and living God. 

Our happiness is dependent on us demonstrating a love for God and for our neighbour (Jesus calls these God's two greatest commandments) - a love that is far greater than any love we might have for the unrighteous pleasures of this world.  Drawing near to a holy God, and becoming infused with His holiness, is dependent on us first making peace with God.  We make peace with God when He forgives us of our sins.  He forgives us only when we believe in His Son who is the Righteousness of God and Prince of Peace, who has paid the price for our transgressions with His precious blood.  Hence my hope (and happiness) is based on nothing less than my Prince of Peace's blood and righteousness.

This pathway to true happiness (via the Prince of Peace) is, I believe, the only way that we can truly expect and look forward to a happy new year.


The eternal Word made flesh - in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet without sin - perfectly human and perfectly divine.

25 December 2023

What a gr8 time of the year this is - Christ-mas! - our appointed time to celebrate the arrival on Earth of the eternal Son of the living God in the likeness of sinful flesh (yet without sin), conceived by the holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin, to come into this world to reveal to us the divine character and righteousness of God, to pay the ultimate price and penalty for our sins and then rise again (celebrated of course at Easter) to confirm His divinity and power over death.  After rising again (yes, death could not hold Him down), Jesus our Messiah then ascended (glorified) to heaven to be again with the Father, where He now intercedes for us that we might acknowledge our inherited sin nature, repent of any unbelief in Him (due to the folly of our human pride?) and by FAITH receive Him as our heaven-sent Saviour.

My best friend was indeed born in a manger.   Let's give glory these days to this Reason for the season, who is both perfectly human and yet perfectly divine - fully the Son of Man, Son of God and God the Son - to Him be all praise, honour, glory and power.

Happy birthday Jesus!   We look forward to your promised return whereby you will one day (soon?) gather up your true believers with a bodily resurrection and glorious rapture ahead of our marriage to you as our Prince of Peace, Lamb of God and Lord of Lords, where by holy matrimony we are joined forever in marital bliss and kingdom reign (see 1 Cor 15, 1 Thess 4, Rev 19,20, etc).  Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Answers to the Dec' 2024 Quiz
  1.  Jesus was born in which town? Bethlehem, Israel.

  2. Where was it prophesied in the Old Testament as to where Jesus was to be born? Micah 5:2

  3. In which season (Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall or Winter) was Jesus most likely born? Autumn/Fall (the shepherds were “living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.” (Luke 2:8), and we can estimate when Jesus was born by counting backward from his death on Passover - Nisan 14 in the spring of the year 33 C.E. (John 19:14-16).  Jesus was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year ministry, so he was most likely born in the early fall of 2 B.C.E. (Luke 3:23).

  4. How many Magi 'wise men' were likely to have travelled from the East to see baby Jesus?  Even though only three gifts are mentioned (gold, frankincense and myrrh), it is almost certain that there were more than three Magi (including a military escort).

  5. What does the term 'incarnation' mean?  The Cambridge Dictionary defines 'incarnation' as "a particular physical form or condition of something or someone that is changing or developing".  The Collins dictionary defines it in Christian Theological terms as "the assuming of a human body by the Son of God".  Scripturally, it is "the Word made flesh".

  6. Fill in the blanks: Jesus who is the Christ (our Messiah) is both the Son of Man and the Son of God"

  7. Is it true that your best friend was born in a manger?  That's true for me; is it also true for you?